Referee Complaint Form (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


Referee Complaint Form
Please fill out all Mandatory fields - the form will not be accepted otherwise. Please do not follow up with other emails. Your complaint will be addressed as soon as possible by our volunteers.
The purpose of this form is to apprise Brantford Minor Hockey Association of any actions taken by a referee that are CLEARLY negligent or in OBVIOUS defiance of the good of the game.

In no imaginable instance will BMHA ever overturn a penalty assessed during the course of a game much less the result of a game.  The referee has the best view of a play and was in the best position to make the call regarding the outcome of a play.  Short of irrefutable video evidence, BMHA will not challenge a specific penalty call by a referee.

Bottom line, this form is not for the purpose of complaining about a lost game due to referees.  Such complaints will be summarily dismissed.  This form is designed to bring BMHA's attention to misconduct or other inappropriate behaviour on the part of an official during a game hosted by BMHA.  

BMHA does not hire the officials for its games.  BMHA hires the Grand River Officials Association to provide qualified referees.  This means that in the case of a serious complaint, BMHA will work with GROA to investigate the complaint and come to a resolution.

Note we have no recourse for games hosted by other associations.  In serious cases of this nature, please contact the Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario at

Information on the Complainant

Incident/Complaint Detail

Please include as many specific facts and details as possible.