Game Day, News, Tyke, 2014 - 2015 (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


This League is part of the 2014 - 2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 04, 2014 | rroach | 908 views
Game Day
The Tyke HL start our game phase this weekend ...

This coming Sunday marks the start of our game phase and will run for the balance of the season. Our coached got together and decided how our games will function. Here are the details:


- 2 minute shifts
- faceoff after a goal, and a puck freeze but not a line change
- penalties will be administered at the discretion of the coach
- we won't be keeping score or standings
- lines will play 4 on 4 with a goalie
- coaches will determine line composition at the beginning of the game and will roll the lines

The kids are excited to start playing games so come out and make some noise.