Intersquad game on Tuesday, News, U13, 2021-2022, MD/BB (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 27, 2021 | Justin Tremblay | 528 views
Intersquad game on Tuesday
Hello parents and I apologize for the lateness of the posting.

In regards to Tuesday's intersquad game, everyone is in the lineup with the exception of a couple players to whom I've emailed their parents directly.

The game is at Lions Park Arena at 5:00pm.  I understand this can be a tough game time for parents to get their kids to but please do the best you can.  I will be at the arena around 4:15pm to hand out jerseys and complete the boys covid screening.  The covid screening/ entry protocols at Lions Park are the same as everywhere else.  We can enter 15 minutes before and spectators 12 and over need proof of vaccine and government issued ID.

The first round of cuts will be posted on Tuesday night, sometime after the game.

Thank you all, see you tomorrow.

Coach Justin.
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